
Corinthian Raisin is the natural product that results after the drying of the grapes of the respective Greek vine variety with the scientific name VitisViniferaL.

It is cultivated in Greece and especially in the coastal parts of the Northern and Western Peloponnese and in the Ionian Islands, where the soil-climatic conditions under the influence of the sea breeze and sunshine are ideal for the production of an unsurpassed quality natural product. Its excellent aroma and rich taste place it as the top of raisins.

Thanks to its exceptional natural properties, Corinthian Raisin has been included in the daily diet since antiquity. Today, it is consumed directly as a snack or used as an ingredient in cooking, baking, confectionery, etc. maintaining all its nutritional properties.

Recent studies conducted specifically for Corinthian raisins by the Farmer Unions Vostizza in collaboration with Universities in Greece and abroad have demonstrated its high nutritional value.
It is an excellent source of antioxidants / polyphenolic ingredients (flavonoids, anthocyanins, proanthocyanidins, procyanidins, resveratrol) and has a very high antioxidant content. The Corinthian raisin has an advantage over several other fruits and types of raisins because it comes from black grapes which is considered to be much superior to the white grape varieties in antioxidants and especially in anthocyanins. The drying of the grapes takes place in the mild environmental conditions that prevail in the mountains of Greece and the destruction of antioxidants and vitamins is negligible.

It is consumed together with its -dark-colored- bark, which is full of anthocyanins and other antioxidants, while it has a large surface / mass ratio due to the small size of the fruit. The rind has a very high percentage of dietary fiber that acts as a substrate for beneficial bacteria in the colon, giving raisins prebiotic properties, thus helping the proper functioning of the intestine and at the same time inhibiting the biosynthesis of cholesterol.

It is an excellent source of trace elements such as zinc, magnesium, iron and especially potassium. Its potassium content helps regulate blood pressure and is much higher than other fruits that are considered excellent sources of this element, such as banana.
Clinical studies conducted under the supervision of the Department of Nutrition-Dietetics of Harokopio University showed that there is bioavailability of the micronutrients of raisins in the blood and high antioxidant capacity.

Raisin glycemic index is moderate in diabetics and the effect is also moderate, and better than many other fruits, which makes it suitable even for special categories of patients. The sweetness of raisins is due to its high content of fructose (35% by weight). So, it is a very sweet fruit without causing an increase in blood sugar, when consumed in normal quantities.

In volunteers who consumed raisins daily it was found that there is no weight gain, on the contrary a slight decrease. This may be due to the satiety created by the raisin both due to the many fiber it contains and its sweetness.


Small Treasures